Search your heart, shed your ego and the marriage may work after all!!!


The phrase “Search your heart, shed your ego and the marriage may work after all” implies that for a marriage to work, both partners need to be willing to look inward, examine their feelings and motivations, and let go of any selfish tendencies. This can be a difficult process, as it requires vulnerability, honesty, and self-reflection.

By searching your heart, you are taking the time to examine your true feelings and motivations. This can help you better understand yourself and communicate more effectively with your partner. Shedding your ego means putting aside your own desires and priorities and focusing on what is best for the marriage as a whole. This may require compromise, forgiveness, and a willingness to work through difficult issues.

Overall, the phrase suggests that a successful marriage requires both partners to be committed to personal growth, mutual understanding, and a shared vision for the future.

Marriages are made in heaven

The phrase “Marriages are made in heaven” is a common saying that implies that marriages are predestined and predetermined by a higher power. It suggests that the union of two people in marriage is a divine act, and that their love and commitment are blessed by a higher power.

The phrase is often used to convey the idea that a successful marriage requires more than just the effort of the two individuals involved, but also the intervention of a higher power. It can provide comfort and hope to those who are struggling in their marriage, as it suggests that there is a greater plan at work and that their union is meant to be.

While this phrase may hold spiritual or cultural significance for some people, it’s important to recognize that marriages are ultimately a human construct and require effort, commitment, and communication from both partners to succeed. Even if two people are meant to be together, it still takes work to build a strong and healthy relationship.


Conflict is a disagreement or clash between two or more parties who have differing opinions, needs, or goals. It can arise in various situations, such as personal relationships, professional environments, or within communities. Conflict can take many forms, from a minor disagreement to a full-blown dispute.

Conflict can be a natural part of any relationship or group dynamic, and it’s not always negative. When handled constructively, conflict can lead to growth, improved understanding, and creative solutions to problems. However, if conflict is not addressed and managed effectively, it can escalate and lead to negative outcomes such as hurt feelings, broken relationships, or even violence.

There are various ways to manage and resolve conflicts, including negotiation, compromise, mediation, and collaborative problem-solving. Effective conflict management involves active listening, open communication, and a willingness to understand and empathize with the other party’s perspective. It also requires a commitment to finding a mutually acceptable solution that addresses the underlying concerns of all parties involved.

Overall, conflict is a normal and inevitable part of life, but how we respond to it can have a significant impact on our personal and professional relationships. By approaching conflict with a positive attitude and a willingness to find common ground, we can work towards resolving differences and building stronger, more collaborative relationships.


Resolution refers to the process of finding a solution to a problem or conflict. It involves identifying the underlying issues, working through differences, and finding a mutually acceptable solution that addresses the concerns of all parties involved.

Effective resolution requires active listening, clear communication, and a willingness to understand and empathize with the perspectives of others. It also involves being open to compromise, negotiation, and creative problem-solving.

The process of resolution can take many forms, depending on the nature and complexity of the issue at hand. It may involve informal discussions between the parties involved, or it may require more formal processes such as mediation or arbitration.

When a resolution is reached, it’s important to establish clear agreements and follow-through on any commitments made. This can help to ensure that the issue is fully resolved and that all parties feel satisfied with the outcome.

Overall, resolution is an important process for addressing conflicts and problems in a constructive and collaborative manner. By working towards a mutually acceptable solution, we can build stronger, more positive relationships and promote a greater sense of understanding and harmony in our personal and professional lives.


“Saying no to ego” means putting aside our own desires and priorities in favor of the greater good. Ego can refer to our sense of self-importance, our attachment to our own beliefs and ideas, and our tendency to put ourselves first in a given situation. When we say no to ego, we are acknowledging that there may be other perspectives and priorities that are equally important, and we are willing to set aside our own ego to work towards a common goal.

Saying no to ego can be a difficult process, as it requires us to be vulnerable, open-minded, and willing to consider alternative perspectives. It may involve acknowledging our own biases and limitations and seeking out feedback and input from others. By saying no to ego, we can foster greater collaboration, communication, and understanding in our personal and professional relationships.

Overall, saying no to ego can help us build stronger, more positive relationships with others and promote a greater sense of community and cooperation. By putting aside our own ego and working towards a shared goal, we can achieve greater success and fulfillment in our lives.


Being healthy and wise towards your relationship means taking care of yourself and your partner, both physically and emotionally. It involves making positive choices that promote your overall well-being and that of your relationship.

To be healthy and wise towards your relationship, it’s important to prioritize good communication, mutual respect, and trust. This means actively listening to your partner, expressing your own needs and feelings in a respectful way, and being willing to compromise and work through conflicts.

It’s also important to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. This may involve making healthy choices such as getting regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. It may also involve seeking out support from friends, family, or a therapist if you’re experiencing emotional difficulties.

In addition, being healthy and wise towards your relationship means being intentional about how you spend your time together. This may involve setting aside time for date nights, shared hobbies, or meaningful conversations. It may also involve being willing to try new things and taking risks to keep your relationship fresh and exciting.

Overall, being healthy and wise towards your relationship requires ongoing effort and commitment. By prioritizing good communication, mutual respect, and self-care, you can build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship with your partner.


In summary, conflict and resolution are two closely related concepts that are integral to our personal and professional lives. Conflict can arise in various situations, and how we respond to it can have a significant impact on the outcome. When handled constructively, conflict can lead to growth, improved understanding, and creative solutions to problems. Resolution, on the other hand, involves finding a solution to a conflict by identifying the underlying issues, working through differences, and finding a mutually acceptable solution that addresses the concerns of all parties involved.

Effective resolution requires active listening, clear communication, and a willingness to understand and empathize with the perspectives of others. It involves being open to compromise, negotiation, and creative problem-solving. When a resolution is reached, it’s important to establish clear agreements and follow-through on any commitments made.

In conclusion, conflict and resolution are natural and necessary components of our lives, and learning to manage them effectively can lead to stronger, more positive relationships and a greater sense of understanding and harmony.

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