Concepts why marriage matters


Marriage is a societal institution that has been practiced across cultures and time periods, and it continues to hold significance in many societies around the world. The concept of marriage encompasses various aspects, including legal, social, emotional, and cultural dimensions. This abstract provides an overview of why marriage matters from different perspectives.

  • Legal Importance: Marriage is often recognized as a legal union between two individuals, providing them with legal rights and responsibilities. These rights may include tax benefits, inheritance rights, access to healthcare, and legal recognition of the relationship. Marriage can also establish a legal framework for issues such as property ownership, child custody, and spousal support in the event of separation or divorce, providing legal protections to the couple and their children.
  • Social Significance: Marriage has social importance as it is often seen as a formalized commitment between two individuals, recognized and supported by their families, friends, and communities. It can provide stability and security to the couple and their children, as it creates a sense of belonging and support system within a community. Marriage can also serve as a social contract, outlining expectations and responsibilities for the couple towards each other and their community.
  • Emotional Bonding: Marriage can create a deep emotional bond between two individuals, fostering intimacy, trust, and companionship. It can provide a framework for emotional support, shared goals, and a sense of partnership in navigating life’s challenges. Marriage can also facilitate personal growth and development through mutual support, understanding, and communication.
  • Cultural and Religious Significance: Marriage often holds cultural and religious significance, reflecting the beliefs, values, and traditions of a community or religion. It can serve as a rite of passage, symbolizing the transition from being single to being part of a committed partnership. Marriage ceremonies and rituals can also foster cultural identity and reinforce social norms and traditions.
  • Family and Child-rearing: Marriage can be considered important for creating a stable environment for raising children. It provides a legal and social framework for the care, nurturing, and upbringing of children within a committed partnership. Marriage can also foster a sense of family unity, creating a sense of belonging and support for the children and the couple alike.

Why Marriages Matter

Marriages matter for a multitude of reasons, as they play a significant role in the lives of individuals, families, and communities. Here are some key reasons why marriages matter:

  1. Companionship and Emotional Support: Marriage provides a framework for deep emotional bonding, companionship, and intimacy between two individuals. It offers a supportive partnership that can foster love, trust, and understanding, contributing to the emotional well-being and happiness of both partners.
  1. Family and Child-rearing: Marriage often serves as the foundation for building a family and raising children. It provides a stable environment for children to grow up in, with legal and social protections, and can offer a sense of stability and security for both the children and the couple.
  1. Legal and Financial Benefits: Marriage often comes with legal and financial benefits, such as tax advantages, inheritance rights, access to healthcare, and social security benefits. It can provide a legal framework for property ownership, financial planning, and other legal protections that can benefit the couple and their family.
  1. Social Recognition and Support: Marriage is often recognized and supported by society, including family, friends, and the community. It can provide a sense of social recognition and acceptance, as well as a support system in times of need. Marriage can also contribute to social cohesion, as it promotes stable relationships and families, which are considered fundamental units of society.
  1. Health and Well-being: Research suggests that married individuals tend to have better physical and mental health compared to those who are unmarried or in less committed relationships. Marriage can provide emotional support, reduce stress, and promote healthy behaviors, contributing to overall well-being and longevity.
  1. Cultural and Religious Significance: Marriage often holds cultural and religious significance, reflecting the traditions, beliefs, and values of a community or religion. It can serve as a meaningful rite of passage and contribute to cultural identity and continuity.
  1. Personal Growth and Development: Marriage can offer opportunities for personal growth and development through shared experiences, challenges, and mutual support. It can foster communication, compromise, and problem-solving skills, contributing to personal growth and maturity.

 Marriages matter for a multitude of reasons, including companionship, emotional support, family and child-rearing, legal and financial benefits, social recognition and support, health and well-being, cultural and religious significance, and personal growth and development. It is an institution that plays a significant role in the lives of individuals and communities, contributing to their well-being, stability, and happiness.

Determinants of a Successful Marriage

A successful marriage is built on a foundation of various factors that contribute to a healthy, fulfilling, and long-lasting relationship. While every marriage is unique, research and experience have identified several determinants that are commonly associated with successful marriages. Here are some key determinants of a successful marriage:

  • Communication: Effective communication is crucial in any marriage. Open, honest, and respectful communication promotes understanding, helps to resolve conflicts, and fosters intimacy and emotional connection. Good communication involves active listening, expressing thoughts and feelings clearly and respectfully, and being willing to work through differences together.
  • Trust: Trust is the cornerstone of a successful marriage. Trust involves being reliable, keeping one’s promises, and being honest and transparent with each other. Trust also includes trusting each other’s judgment, decisions, and intentions. Building and maintaining trust requires consistent effort, integrity, and loyalty.
  • Emotional Intimacy: Emotional intimacy involves sharing and understanding each other’s thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities. It requires emotional closeness, empathy, and connection. Emotional intimacy is nurtured through quality time spent together, shared experiences, and emotional support.
  • Shared Values and Goals: Having shared values and goals provides a sense of purpose and direction in a marriage. Shared values help to align beliefs, priorities, and principles, while shared goals allow a couple to work towards a common vision for their future. Shared values and goals provide a sense of unity and cooperation in a marriage.
  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, but successful marriages require healthy conflict resolution skills. This includes the ability to manage conflicts constructively, without resorting to harmful behaviors such as criticism, defensiveness, or avoidance. Effective conflict resolution involves active listening, empathy, compromise, and finding mutually acceptable solutions.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is important in a successful marriage as it helps to regulate emotions, express them appropriately, and respond to each other’s emotions with empathy and understanding.


In conclusion, marriage matters and can be successful when certain determinants are present and nurtured. Effective communication, trust, emotional intimacy, shared values and goals, conflict resolution skills, emotional intelligence, flexibility and adaptability, quality time and intimacy, commitment and dedication, and recognition of each other’s individuality are key determinants of a successful marriage.

A successful marriage requires continuous effort, commitment, and willingness to work through challenges together. It involves building a strong foundation of trust, fostering emotional connection and intimacy, and maintaining open and respectful communication. It also requires shared values and goals, effective conflict resolution skills, emotional intelligence, flexibility, and adaptability to adapt to changes and challenges that may arise.

By prioritizing these determinants and investing in the health and well-being of the marriage, couples can build a fulfilling and lasting relationship. It’s important to remember that every marriage is unique, and it takes ongoing effort and dedication from both partners to maintain a successful and meaningful marriage.

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