Custody Of Children

Custody Of Children?

Child custody refers to the legal right to make decisions about a child’s upbringing and the responsibility for their care. There are two types of custody

Physical Custody

Physical custody is the type of custody in which it is decided where the child will live and how much time he/she will spend with each parent

Legal Custody

Legal custoday is which gives power over the rights and responsibiliteis for raising of a child in question 

The procedure and key factors for filing for child custody can vary by jurisdiction, but generally, the process involves filing a petition or motion with the court that has jurisdiction over your case. In the petition, you will need to provide information about your relationship with the child, your ability to provide a stable home environment, and why you believe you are the best parent to have custody.

Some key factors that a court may consider when deciding child custody include the child’s age and gender, the parents’ mental and physical health, the parent’s respective living situations and ability to provide for the child, the child’s relationship with each parent, and any history of abuse or neglect. The court may also consider the child’s preferences, depending on the child’s age and maturity level.

Once the petition is filed, a hearing may be scheduled to determine custody. During the hearing, each parent may present evidence and testimony to support their case, and the court will make a decision based on the best interests of the child.

It’s important to note that custody disputes can be emotionally challenging and complex, and it is often recommended to seek the assistance of a family law attorney to guide you through the process.